23 December 2012

The start of something new.

I'm sitting here in a coffee shop in my hometown of Wilsonville, Or. scrambling to get everything down in the next hour before I embark on my life's greatest adventure. Tomorrow I leave for Paris to celebrate the holidays with my dad, brother and two closest friends. Running away from Christmas, one might say. But what better place to run to? 

2012 has been a rough one and one that I am eagerly waiting to bid farewell to and open my arms to 2013 (more reflection on that later). On January 1st I'll be traveling to Morocco with Rachel Dean as we start our first official buying trip for the dream job of my life: Delyea Navone. I'll be returning home at the end of February with lots of treasures from Morocco, Turkey, India and Thailand. You can follow the turn of events here as well as at www.delyeanavone.wordpress.com for updates on the business and to check out all of the goodies. 

I have about a million other things on my to-do list, so I'm out the door...talk soon!